Dr. Chueh-Hung WUのご紹介
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- M.D., Sep. 1999 – June, 2005, Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
- Ph.D., Sep. 2012- , Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Research Interests
- Novel ultrasound imaging
- Physical mechanisms of ultrasound and shockwave therapy
- Biomaterials
Licenses and Honors
- Best oral presentation of Annual TSUM (Taiwan Society of Ultrasound in Medicine) Conference 2014
- Lien-I Nan Foundation Prize of Young Physician for the best scholarly article published during 2012-2013
- Best oral presentation of Annual TSUM (Taiwan Society of Ultrasound in Medicine) Conference 2011
- Lien-I Nan Foundation Prize of Young Physician for the best scholarly article published during 2010-2011
- License of Specialist in Rehabilitation Medicine, Taiwan, 2010
- Japanese Language Proficiency Test, Level II, passed 2007
- License of Physician, Taiwan, awarded 2005
- The Higher Civil Service Examination, Taiwan, passed 2005
Work Experience
- Clinical instructor: Since Sep 2014, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
- Adjunct instructor: Sep 2012-Feb 2014, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
- Attending physician: since July 2012, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
- Attending physician: July 2010 - June 2012, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, National Taiwan University Hospital Yun-lin Branch, Douliou, Taiwan
- Resident physician: July 2006 - June 2010, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
- Resident physician: July 2005 - June 2006, Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Journal Papers (SCI)
- Chueh-Hung Wu, Shaw-Gang Shyu, Levent Özçakar, Tyng-Guey Wang. Dynamic ultrasound imaging for peroneal tendon subluxation. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 2015 Accepted (IF=2.012, Rank: 13/63, REHABILITATION)
- Chueh-Hung Wu. A few considerations on "Ultrasound elastography in the early diagnosis of plantar fasciitis". Clin Imaging. 2015 Jan-Feb;39(1):165 (IF=0.596, Rank: 113/122, RADIOLOGY, NUCLEAR MEDICINE & MEDICAL IMAGING)
- Chueh-Hung Wu, Li-Sheng Chen, Ming-Fang Yen, Yueh-Hsia Chiu, Ching-Yuan Fann, Hsiu-Hsi Chen, Shin-Liang Pan. Does non-central nervous system tuberculosis increase the risk of ischemic stroke? A population-based propensity score-matched follow-up study. PLoS One. 2014 9(7): e98158. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0098158. (IF=3.730, Rank: 7/56, MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)
- Yung-Chia Chang, Tyng-Guey Wang, Chueh-Hung Wu (Corresponding). Sonographic detection of ulnar nerve compression during elbow extension. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 2014 Jul;93(7):636-7 (IF=2.012, Rank: 13/63, REHABILITATION)
- Ming-Yen Hsiao, Tyng-Guey Wang, Chueh-Hung Wu (Corresponding). Sonographic Appearance of Non-traumatic Tear of Flexor Carpi Radialis muscle- a Case Report. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound. 2013 Jan;41(1):65-8. (IF=0.697, Rank: 20/31, ACOUSTICS)
- Chueh-Hung Wu, Yen-Ho Wang, Ya-Ping Huang, and Shin-Liang Pan. Does Adhesive Capsulitis of the Shoulder Increase the Risk of Stroke? A Population-Based Propensity Score-Matched Follow-Up Study. PLoS One. 2012; 7(11): e49343. (IF=3.730, Rank: 7/56, MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)
- Chueh-Hung Wu, Tyng-Guey Wang. Measurement of Muscle Stiffness in Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy. Radiology. 2012 Nov;265(2):647; author reply 647-8. (IF=6.339, Rank: 2/120, RADIOLOGY, NUCLEAR MEDICINE & MEDICAL IMAGING)
- Chueh-Hung Wu, Ke-Vin Chang, Po-Hsien Su, Wen-Hsiu Kuo, Wen-Shiang Chen, Tyng-Guey Wang. Dynamic ultrasonography to evaluate coracoacromial ligament displacement during motion in shoulders with supraspinatus tendon tears. Journal of Orthopedic Research. 2012 Sep;30(9):1430-4. (IF=2.875, Rank: 7/63, ORTHOPEDICS)
- Ke-Vin Chang, Chueh-Hung Wu, Wen-Shiang Chen, Tyng-Guey Wang. Application of contrast-enhanced ultrasound with time-intensity curve analysis to explore hypervascularity in Achilles tendinopathy by using a rabbit model. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. 2012 May;31(5):737-46 (IF=1.402, Rank: 13/31, ACOUSTICS)
- Chueh-Hung Wu, Wen-Shiang Chen, Tyng-Guey Wang, Henry L. Lew. Can Sonoelastography Detect Plantar Fasciitis Earlier than Traditional B-Mode Ultrasonography? American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 2012 Feb;91(2):185 (IF=2.012, Rank: 13/63, REHABILITATION)
- Sconfienza LM, Orlandi D, Cimmino MA, Silvestri E, Chueh-Hung Wu, Ke-Vin Chang, Sun Mio, Wen-Shiang Chen, Tyng-Guey Wang. A few considerations on "sonoelastography of the plantar fascia". Radiology. 2011 Dec;261(3):995-6 (IF=6.339, Rank: 2/120, RADIOLOGY, NUCLEAR MEDICINE & MEDICAL IMAGING)
- Chueh-Hung Wu, Ke-Vin Chang, Sun Mio, Wen-Shiang Chen, Tyng-Guey Wang. Sonoelastography of the plantar fascia. Radiology. 2011 May;259(2):502-7. (IF=6.339, Rank: 2/120, RADIOLOGY, NUCLEAR MEDICINE & MEDICAL IMAGING)
- Ke-Vin Chang, Chueh-Hung Wu, Tyng-Guey Wang, Ming-Yen Hsiao, Tian-Shin Yeh, Wen-Shiang Chen. Application of Pulsed Doppler Ultrasound in Assessing Peripheral Vasomotor Response in an Elderly Population. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound. 2011 Sep;39(7):383-9 (IF=0.697, Rank: 20/31, ACOUSTICS)
- Ke-Vin Chang, Chueh-Hung Wu, Tyng-Guey Wang, Ming-Yen Hsiao, Tian-Shin Yeh, Wen-Shiang Chen. Application of pulsed wave Doppler ultrasound to explore the peripheral vasomotor response according to gender and hand dominance. Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 2011 Apr;38:195–202 (IF=0.635, Rank=108/120, RADIOLOGY, NUCLEAR MEDICINE & MEDICAL IMAGING)
- Chueh-Hung Wu, Yi-Chian Wang, Hsin-Kuo Wang, Wen-Shiang Chen, Tyng-Guey Wang. Evaluating Displacement of the Coracoacromial Ligament in Painful Shoulders of Overhead Athletes through Dynamic Ultrasonographic Examination. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2010 Feb;91(2):278-82. (IF=2.358, Rank: 9/63, REHABILITATION)
Journal Papers (peer-reviewed, non-SCI)
- Chueh-Hung Wu, Tyng-Guey Wang. Applications of Supersonic Shear Imaging in the Musculoskeletal System. Journal of Medical Ultrasound. 2014 March 22(1), p47–48
- Chueh-Hung Wu. Lateral Knee Pain. Journal of Medical Ultrasound. 2014 March 22(1), p57–58
- Chueh-Hung Wu, Wen-Shiang Chen, Gi-Young Park, Tyng-Guey Wang, Henry L. Lew. Musculoskeletal Sonoelastography: A Focused Review of its Diagnostic Applications for Evaluating Tendons and Fascia. Journal of Medical Ultrasound. 2012 May-June;20:79-86
- Wen-Hsiu Kuo, Chueh-Hung Wu (Corresponding), Tyng-Guey Wang. Sonographic Detection of Knee Neurilemmoma: A Case Report and Literature Review. Journal of Medical Ultrasound. 2012 May-June;20:125-8
- Tian-Shin Yeh, Chueh-Hung Wu (Corresponding), Wen-Shiang Chen, Tyng-Guey Wang. Serial Ultrasonography for Early Detection and Follow-up of Heterotopic Ossification in Stroke. Journal of Medical Ultrasound. 2012 May-June;20:119-24
- Hsiu-Yu Shen, Shyh-Fang Chen, Chueh-Hung Wu, Wen-Shiang Chen, Tyng-Guey Wang, Ke-Vin Chang. Contrast-enhanced Sonography for the Evaluation of Neovascularization in Tendinopathic Tissues. Journal of Medical Ultrasound. 2012 May-June;20:109-14
- Pei-Tsen Chen, Chueh-Hung Wu, Chih-Wei Yu, Jyh-Horng Wang, Ting-Fang Shih, Tyng-Guey Wang, Wen-Shiang Chen. Sonography of the Normal Anterior Cruciate Ligament: A Preliminary Report. Journal of Medical Ultrasound. 2012 March-April;21:16-20
- Chueh-Hung Wu, Shu-Ming Yeh, Ke-Vin Chang, Hung-Pin Lee, Ssu-Yuan Chen, Ching Lan, Hung-Chih Tsai, Ya-Ling Huang, Jin-Shin Lai. Oxygen Uptake Efficiency Slope Before and After Weight Reduction Program in Obese Adults. Taiwan Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2011;39(4):219-25
- Chueh-Hung Wu, Tyng-Guey Wang. Diagnostic Ultrasonographic Examination and Physical Examination. Formosan Journal of Physical Therapy 2010;35(3):188-93
- Chueh-Hung Wu, Chi-Ming Lin, Yi-Chian Wang, Tyng-Guey Wang, Yen-Ho Wang. Reduced Displacement of Coracoacromial Ligaments During Shoulder Motion in the Aged: Evaluation by Ultrasonography. Journal of Medical Ultrasound 2010;18(3):124-9
- Chueh-Hung Wu, Lu Lu. Levamisole-induced Multifocal Inflammatory Leukoencephalopathy: A Case Report. Taiwan Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2008;36(4):235-40
Invited Speaker
- Chueh-Hung Wu. Special lecture: Dynamic sonographic evaluation of oracoacromial ligament displacement. 2013 Annual Convention of the TAPMR (Taiwan Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) April 13-14, 2013 – Taipei, Taiwan
- Cheuh-Hung Wu. Sonoelastic Examination for the Plantar fascia. The 28th Anniversary & 2012 Annual Convention of the TSUM (Taiwan Society of Ultrasound in Medicine). Oct 20-21, 2012 – Taipei, Taiwan
- Chueh-Hung Wu, Tyng-Guey Wang. Booth Discussion: How to perform ultrasound examination in Achilles tendon? The 37th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Surgery of the Foot. Oct 18-19, 2012 – Hakone, Japan
- Chueh-Hung Wu. Special lecture: Sonoelastography of the Plantar Fascia. 2011 Annual Convention of the TAPMR (Taiwan Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) April 8-9, 2011 – Taipei, Taiwan
- Chueh-Hung Wu. Clinical Application of Elastography: Soft tissue. Annual Convention of the TSUM (Taiwan Society of Ultrasound in Medicine) October 2-3, 2010 – Taipei, Taiwan
Invited workshop tutor
- Chueh-Hung Wu. Workshop: Musculoskeletal Ultrasonography. May 31-Jun 1, 2014 –Hongkong
- Chueh-Hung Wu. Workshop: Ultrasonography Musculoskeletal in Rehabilitation. The 10th Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Association. Oct 8, 2011 – Semarang, Indonesia.
- Chueh-Hung Wu. Workshop: Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Hands-On Workshop: upper and lower limbs. By The Royal College of Physiatrists of Thailand. July 28-30, 2011 – Bangkok, Thailand
- Chueh-Hung Wu. Workshop: Ultrasound in Musculoskeletal Pain. The 4th Congress of the Association of Southeast Asian Pain Societies. May 5-8, 2011 – Pattaya, Thailand
Oral presentation
- Chueh-Hung Wu, Sun Mio, Yun-Yi Lin, Wen-Shiang Chen, Tyng-Guey Wang. Sonoelastographic evaluation of plantar fascia stiffness after shock wave therapy for plantar fasciitis: Preliminary results of a one-year follow-up. The 3rd Asia-Oceanian Conferene of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. May 21-23, 2012 – Bali, Indonesia
- Chueh-Hung Wu, Ssu-Yuan Chen, Hsao-Hsun Hsu, Shih-Han Lin, Ching Lan, Shu-Fang Hsiao, Yung-Chie Lee, Jin-Shin Lai. Effects of Early Rehabilitation on Cardiorespiratory Function in Bilateral Lung Transplantation Recipients. The 3rd Asia-Oceanian Conferene of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. May 21-23, 2012 – Bali, Indonesia
- Ssu-Yuan Chen, Chueh-Hung Wu, Hsao-Hsun Hsu, Shih-Han Lin, Ching Lan, Shu-Fang Hsiao, Yung-Chie Lee, Jin-Shin Lai. Effects of Early Pulmonary Rehabilitation on Cardiorespiratory Function in Bilateral Sequential Lung Transplantation Recipients. 2012 Annual Convention of the TAPMR. (Taiwan Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) Feb 25-26, 2012 – Taipei, Taiwan
- Yun-Yi Lin, Chueh-Hung Wu, Wen-Shiang Chen, Tyng-Guey Wang. Quantitatively Analyzing Sonoealstography of Plantar Fascia: Comparison between Hue Histogram and Red-green-blue Color Histogram Methods. 2012 Annual Convention of the TAPMR. (Taiwan Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) Feb 25-26, 2012 – Taipei, Taiwan
- Chueh-Hung Wu, Shu-Ming Yeh, Ke-Vin Chang, Hung-Pin Lee, Ssu-Yuan Chen, Ching Lan, Hung-Chih Tsai, Ya-Ling Huang, Jin-Shin Lai. Oxygen Uptake Efficiency Slope Before and After Weight Reduction Program in Obese Adults. 2011 Annual Convention of the TAPMR (Taiwan Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) April 8-9, 2011 – Taipei, Taiwan
- Chueh-Hung Wu. Softening of plantar fascia in plantar fasciitis: examination with real-time sonoelastography. Asian Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (AFSUMB) November 18-21, 2010 – New Delhi, India
- Chueh-Hung Wu, Yun-Yi Lin, Wen-Shiang Chen, Tyng-Guey Wang. Will plantar fascia get back stiffness after shock wave therapy? A one-year follow-up study by sonoelastography. 2014 Dec 11-13 AOCPRM, Bangkok, Thailand
- Wen-Hsiu Kuo, Chueh-Hung Wu, Wen-Shiang Chen. Neurilemmoma in popliteal fossa: A case report. 2011 Annual Convention of the TAPMR (Taiwan Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) April 8-9, 2011 – Taipei, Taiwan
- Chueh-Hung Wu, Yi-Chian Wang, Hsin-Kuo Wang, Wen-Shiang Chen, Tyng-Guey Wang. Increased Extrusion of the Coracoacromial Ligament in Painful Shoulders of Overhead Athletes: Ultrasonographic Evaluation. International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) June 13-17, 2009 – Istanbul, Turkey
- Chueh-Hung Wu, Lu Lu. Levamisole-induced multifocal inflammatory leukoencephalopathy: A case report. 2007 Annual Convention of the TAPMR (Taiwan Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) Feb, 2007 – Taipei, Taiwan
- Reviewer for
A. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology
B. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
C. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
D. Archives of Rheumatology (formerly Turkish Journal of Rheumatology) - Program Coordinator, the 30th Anniversary and 2014 Annual Convention of TSUM (Taiwan Society of Ultrasound in Medicine), 2014
- Program Coordinator, National Taiwan University Cutting-Edge Steering Research Project – Scientifically Merged Acupuncture and Robot-assisted Technology (SMART) for Rehabilitation of Frozen Shoulder Syndrome, 2012-2014
- Executive Secretariat, Internal Symposium of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound at the National Taiwan University Hospital Yunlin Branch, 2012

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